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Olive and June Nail Polishes Recap

I love Olive and June nail polishes. And I am pretty picky when it comes to what I use on my nails. These polishes are great for many reasons: they are affordable, the formula is great, and the colors are awesome. When my mom ordered these to start using I just thought it would be your average nail polish like Essie or OPI. But as I began to use them and eventually purchase more of them I realized how great they are!

First off they sell their Mani System which is a kit to get you started with their products and ready to give yourself the perfect mani. That’s what we initially purchased. The kit includes a cleanup brush, their nail polish remover pot, a nail file, buffer, and a pair of clippers, their signature Poppy, a top coat, cuticle serum, and the option for one or six polishes.With one polish the kit costs $50. I like everything that came in the kit and it’s nice to cover your basics if you are new to doing your nails at home.

My favorite part of the kit was the Polish Remover Pot! It is a bottle of nail polish removing foam and all you do is put your finger in and after thirty seconds your polish is gone! Sephora used to sell something like this but they stopped a few years ago and I haven't found anything like it since. It’s a game changer! It saves you time and if you only mess up on one nail you don't have to risk ruining the rest of your manicure by smudging it with a cotton ball.

They also have the patented Poppy brush handle. It attaches to the top of your Olive and June bottle and gives you a better grip. I paint my nails all the time so I found that this wasn't necessary for me because I have a steady hand, but my mom who was new to painting her nails at home found that this helped her keep steady.

The best part about Olive and June is their selection of polishes! They have so many great colors, ranging from basics to brights! Right now they have the Summer Set and I’m obsessed! I didn't order the entire collection because I had a similar red and liked a different blue but I purchased parts of it. I purchased Hot Strawberry, a bright pink, Orange Wedge, a cool orange, Lemony Lemon, a bright yellow, Lime Fizz, a true green, and Grape Soda, a bright purple, as well as Exclamation Point, a holographic glitter polish, Spacey, a shimmery black, and Megababe Blue, a sky blue! We also previously purchased CV, a classic red. This gave me all the colors to make a rainbow!

I have been looking for a yellow, orange, and green like those for awhile, but often found that the color would be too sheer and not as opaque as I like, or just not the right shade. These were perfect! I had to use three thin coats to get to an opacity I liked but I loved the final results!

My manicure using Olive and June lasts me up to 5 days! You also don't need to use a base coat. Olive and June sells one but I haven't tried and don't know that it's necessary.

The polishes are also $8 each, which is affordable compared to Essie and OPI, which are $9 and $10.50.

I have also tried different nail techniques, such as acrylic and other polishes. I found that other Polishes were more expensive and did not have a great colors to choose from. And I love long nails so I tried acrylics for a bit, but in the end iwasn’t doable for my lifestyle. I work part time in the summer and to go get acrylics done for upward of $30 every two weeks became way too expensive really fast. I also found that going every two weeks for two hours an appointment did not fit into my schedule. I’d rather do something else then paint my nails at 10 in front of the tv. Also it’s the worst when you pay $30 for a manicure and it chips in a couple days. At least doing it yourself you don’t feel too bad. I tried doing my own acrylics at one point and it was too difficult. The materials were expensive too. Acrylics ruined my natural nails and left them weak. Getting acrylics also prevented me from actually sitting down and doing my nails which is one of my hobbies. It is so peaceful to me and a way for me to get creative. Gel was also an option but is more expensive than regular polish and requires more equipment, and I don't need my polish to last more than a week. Gel is also sometimes damaging to your nails, especially if you are like me and chip at your nails. Olive and June polishes are also better than most other regular polishes I have tried! They last longer and the formula is easier to apply.

I am so happy since I found Olive and June and really enjoy the time I spend doing my nails! They make doing your mani so easy and offer tutorials and guides on their website! If you love having your nails done but just can't fit in time to go to a salon, or want to save money, try Olive and June! I’ve been doing my nails myself for awhile, and Olive and June just makes sense for what I am looking for!

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